/* 1/ Screens (DOS version) ------------------------ Four screens are available : F1 : program F2 : console F3 : terminal (still not implemented yet) F4 : full monitoring screen 2/ Memory (DOS version) ----------------------- DxNet v3 is able to use XMS, EMS, or virtual memory (it is realised through use of a temporary file placed in the the TEMP directory). 3/ Switch (DOS version) ----------------------- DxNet needs either G8BPQ switch or Pc/FlexNet kernel. 4/ directories and files ------------------------ C:----\dxnet----+----\language----+----\lang1.txt | +----\lang2.txt | +----\langN.txt (up to 10) | +----\help0.txt | +----\help1.txt | +----\helpN.txt (up to 10) | +----\script------+----\callsign.fwd (script file | | for "callsign") | +----\callsign.cfg (config file | | for "callsign") | +----\etc... | +----\system------+----\dxtodo.dat | +----\dxnet.cfg (dxnet config file) | +----\passwd.dat (password file) | +----\local.dat (local databases) | +----\bin---------+----\users.bin | +----\maxusers.bin | +----\dx.bin | +----\announce.bin | +----\extcmd-----+-----\... external commands ... | +----\logs | +----\dxnet.exe * All binaries files are stored in dxnet\system\bin\ directory. * dxnet\script : see comments below. 5/ commands ----------- Just a few numbers of commands are available in this ALPHA version. Please look at the DxNet 2 doc file to get help using these commands. SHow/Announce SHow/CLuster SHow/Configuration SHow/DX SHow/LANGuage (give a list of the available language) SHow/MEMleft SET/Here SET/HOME SET/LANGuage (set a language) SET/LOGs SET/LDEFault (set the default language) SET/LOCAtor SET/NAME SET/NOde (used in place of DXNode command, see below) SET/NOHere SET/QTH SET/SSID SET/SYSop Announce Bye Connect (used in place of DXConnect command) DISConnect/n (disconnect the channel n) DISConnect/ALL (disconnect everybody) DX Information PIng QUIT (exit) Quit (user command, same as Bye) SHUTdown (disconnect everybody and then exit) Talk SET/NODE -------- Add "+" before a call you want to add, or "-" before a call you want to remove. Exemple : SET/NODE +F5MZN-3 +F6HPP-3 -F5OAH will add F5MZN-3 and F6HPP-6 to the list, and remove F5OAH 6/ Languages ------------ DxNet is able to speak different languages. Messages are stored in LANGn.TXT, while HELP messages are stored in HELPn.TXT, where n is the file number. Both LANG1.TXT and HELP1.TXT are the default language files but it may be changed by the sysop using the command SET/LDEFault. Up to 10 languages are supported (LANG10.TXT and HELP10.TXT). symbols : %D Date 'DD-MMM-YYYY' %d Date 'DD-MMM' %H Time 'HH:MM' %I user's name %l user's language %O call of DxNet %o call od dxnet without ssid %U user's call %u user's call without ssid %0-%9 temporary symbols 7/ \SCRIPT directory -------------------- Script files (.FWD) use nearly the same format than the one of DxNet v2, except "+", "?", "#" which are now optionnals. The # field still don't work yet. Config files (.CFG) are used to set different hops count for the protocols which are coming IN or OUT, and to define some special sets for the link as well. By default, all protocols are set to 99 and all sets are ON. These files are optionnals. Function Command Protocol Talk Talk PC10 Dx info DX PC11 Annoucement Announcement PC12 Add/delete user USER PC16 PC17 Add/delete node NODE PC19 PC21 WWVinfo WWV PC23 DX/WWV merge request MREQuest PC25 Dx merge info MDX PC26 WWV merge info MWWV PC27 Mail forwarding MAIL PC28 to PC33, PC40, PC42, PC43, PC49 Remote commands RCOMmands PC34, PC35, PC36 User info UINfo PC41 Remote DB request DATAbase PC44 to PC48 Update user count UCOunt PC50 Ping PIng PC51 Incoming protocol sets [in] Following commands apply to the incoming protocols. Outgoing protocols sets [out] Following commands apply to the outgoing protocols. CluLink permission CLUlink on/off Allows or not CluLink protocol for that link. Example (F6BEE.CFG) ------------------- clulink off [in] user 4 node 4 mail off rcommands off [out] user 4 node 4 mail off mrequest off mdx off mwwv off mail off rcommands off uinfo 4 database off ucount 99 ping on 8/ External commands (extcmd directory) --------------------------------------- You can put programs (.EXE, .COM, .BAT) in this directory. Each time an user type a command, DxNet look if its exists in the \extcmd directory. If it does, the program is excuted instead of an existing command of DxNet if any. This allows the sysop to create new commands, on to redefine existing commands of DxNet. If you want to create, say, the command TEST : put TEST.EXE or TEST.COM or TEST.BAT in \extcmd. If you want to create, say, the command SH/SOMETHINK : put SOMETHINK.EXE or SOMETHINK.COM or SOMETHINK.BAT in \extcmd\sh. 9/ Database ----------- Local databases are support. See the manual of the version 2 (except for the file which is now called SYSTEM\LOCAL.DAT). Database updating is now allowed if it has been set in SYSTEM\UPDATE.DAT file as following : UPDATE_CMD1 DATABASE_CMD1 UPDATE_CMD2 DATABASE_CMD2 For example, you want to allow users to update the database QSL_NEW.FUL. The command to search this database is SH/QSL (defined in local.cfg). Put the following line in SYSTEM\UPDATE.DAT QSL QSL The two fields are basically the same.